Modifikasi Aplikasi “Roulette Table” pada Visual Basic 6.0
Sedikit memodifikasi aplikasi serupa yang sebelumnya sudah saya postingkan sehingga terlihat seperti games sesungguhnya. Seperti yang terlihat pada gambar di samping, tidak banyak perubahan yang saya tambahkan hanya beberapa faktor yang sudah sepatutnya terdapat pada sebuah games.
1. Jalankan aplikasi Visual Basic 6.0
2. Pada jendela “New Project” pilih “Standard EXE” kemudian tekan tombol “Open”
3. Berikut setingan kontrol properti yang terdapat pada aplikasi ini
Object | Name | Properties | Setting |
Form | Form1 | Border Style | 1 - Fixed Single |
Caption | Roulette Table | ||
Font | Tahoma; 10pt | ||
Start Up Position | 2 - Center Screen | ||
Label | lblDisplay1 | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | (Empty) | ||
Font | Tahoma; 28pt | ||
Label | lblDisplay2 | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | (Empty) | ||
Font | Tahoma; 28pt | ||
Label | lblDisplay3 | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | (Empty) | ||
Font | Tahoma; 28pt | ||
Picture Box | picDisplay | Border Style | 0 - None |
Picture | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Graphics\Metafile\Business\MONEY.WMF | ||
Visible | False | ||
Command Button | cmdSpin | Caption | Spin |
Command Button | cmdExit | Caption | E&xit |
Label | lblDisplayPlayed | Auto Size | True |
Caption | Played: | ||
Label | lblPlayed | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | 0 | ||
Label | lblDisplayPoint | Auto Size | True |
Caption | Point: | ||
Label | lblPoint | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | 1000 | ||
Label | lblDisplayWin | Auto Size | True |
Caption | Win: | ||
Label | lblWinCount | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | 0 | ||
Label | lblDisplayLose | Auto Size | True |
Caption | Lose: | ||
Label | lblLoseCount | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | 0 | ||
Line | Line1 | Border Width | 1 |
Line | Line2 | Border Color | &HFFFFFF |
Border Width | 2 | ||
Label | lblDisplayBets | Auto Size | True |
Caption | Total Bets: | ||
Label | lblBets | Alignment | 2 - Center |
Back Color | &HFFFFFF | ||
Caption | 0 |
4. Berikut event code program
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSpin_Click()
Dim Count, Response, Bets As Integer
picDisplay.Visible = False
lblDisplay1.Caption = Int(Rnd * 10)
lblDisplay2.Caption = Int(Rnd * 10)
lblDisplay3.Caption = Int(Rnd * 10)
Count = 0
Count = lblPlayed.Caption
lblPlayed.Caption = Val(Count) + 1
If lblDisplay1.Caption = 9 Or lblDisplay2.Caption = 9 Or lblDisplay3.Caption = 9 Then
picDisplay.Visible = True
lblPoint.Caption = Val(lblPoint.Caption) + 100
lblWinCount.Caption = Val(lblWinCount.Caption) + 1
lblPoint.Caption = Val(lblPoint.Caption) - 100
lblLoseCount.Caption = Val(lblLoseCount.Caption) + 1
End If
If lblDisplay1.Caption = 9 And lblDisplay2.Caption = 9 Then
lblPoint.Caption = Val(lblPoint.Caption) + 100
ElseIf lblDisplay1.Caption = 9 And lblDisplay3.Caption = 9 Then
lblPoint.Caption = Val(lblPoint.Caption) + 100
ElseIf lblDisplay2.Caption = 9 And lblDisplay3.Caption = 9 Then
lblPoint.Caption = Val(lblPoint.Caption) + 100
End If
If lblDisplay1.Caption = 9 And lblDisplay2.Caption = 9 And lblDisplay3.Caption = 9 Then
lblPoint.Caption = Val(lblPoint.Caption) + 200
End If
If lblPoint.Caption = "0" Then
Response = MsgBox("You don’t have enough point!!" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "Try again?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirmation")
If Response = vbYes Then
lblPoint.Caption = 1000
lblWinCount.Caption = 0
lblLoseCount.Caption = 0
lblPlayed.Caption = 0
lblDisplay1.Caption = 0
lblDisplay2.Caption = 0
lblDisplay3.Caption = 0
Bets = 1000
lblBets.Caption = Bets + Val(lblBets.Caption)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Label: VB6
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